"One interesting way to approach space-time in the terms of new media and the internet is to look at the relationship between the geographical moorings of objects such as the computer, networks or nodes of online connection and the non-material spatial aspects of the internet itself. Although I have taken the spaces of networks within the internet (websites etc.) as being not-limited to a single geographic spot it’s important to remember that peoples usage of the internet is still moored to their computers, phones and other devices, it has a kind of spatial specificity. This has of course changed over time and whilst people used to be simply restrained to ethernet connected desktop computers they now have the option for movement through devices connected to mobile and satellite internet data - although this is still dependent on the heterogeneity of signal strength and availability across geographies. This in itself demonstrates the ability for new medias to alter the way we subjectively engage in actor-networks through space-time. New media acts to disrupt and alter standard subjective experiences of time-space. For instance the extreme speeds of information flow has almost ‘compressed’ space-time in that the mechanisms of economic capitalism now require less spatial proximity between money exchangers but in which extremely quick speeds are required in order to be the first person to make a transaction (Marshall 2001:82). It also means that geographically desperate groups of people can become localised through the spaces of the internet, spaces which are not neutral containers but instead constructed through the subjective localised [on the internet] networks existing within them (Marshall 2001:83). Geographical space itself can be seen as being warped, de and re localised, globalised and fragmented as people can organise beyond national borders, although rooted to a singular device or set of devices. Subjectivities engagement to space-time is revealed here to be in constant movement as a subjectivity in flux causes individuals to re-engage, in a new way, with their networked spaces. This is a dialogic relationship as subjectivity and our sense of self is constantly having to reorient itself in the changing and fragmented simulative, spatial landscape that the internet brings about."

- Me in an Undergraduate Essay. An extract from an essay which responds to the statement ‘New media have disengaged subjectivity from time and space.’

Marshall J. 2001. Cyberspace of Cyber-topos: The Creation of Online Space. Social Analysis 45(1) pp. 81-102.
Although I am on the right track here, I think that I now disagree firstly with how I used the word 'non-material' at all, when I could have reconfigured what materiality meant in terms of the internet. I also disagree with how I used it as something 'other' to the spatial. Now I would say that I am particularly concerned with how digital/internet/computational medias themselves reconfigure what it means to be BOTH material and to be spatial. There is a great tendency to use metaphors of personhood to describe algorithms or AI when we can also look at them as architectures, as material spaces that are maneovered. Synthesising this with ANT these are not passive architectures, but agential spaces which shape socio-political life.

- Me responding to myself
"If we dare look at politics as material politics, then architectural methodology is useful to analyse it"
"Space is not a representation of a politics that would already exist in the abstract. Politics operates and flows THROUGH and IN spatial practise"

- Eyal Weizman, Political Plastic (Interview) in. Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development Volume VI
If I act as necromancer, and bring the material corpse of the medium back to life, how do I view it? Perhaps the corpse, in its decay, can be viewed through the lens of a space. Algorithms, digital platforms, machine learning networks and all things computational become architectural, at least in name; they can all become the architectures within which politics is enacted. This political action can then be looked at through the lens of the forensic: i.e. how do the techno-scientific qualities and nuances of these spaces influence how they are utilised, and how they then act upon other bodies, materials, agents. Biased datasets, predictive security measures and remote killings can be looked at as spaces, agents and mediators simultaneously through a material-forensic lens
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